This is unique, great Price & Easy to operate.
Very simple business, so you could quickly learn this.
No fancy Chef needed here.
Situated in a high profile location on the Gold Coast visited by Locals and Tourists alike.
Demographics for this area are Outstanding.
The Takeaway Food industry is BOOMING and this busy takeaway is up there with the best of them.
Mouth watering foods keep the customers coming back for More.
Located close to supermarkets, fuel and government departments with easy access and great parking.
Quality fittings and superb equipment, together with unequalled cleanliness make this business the “Go TO” place for quality and value for money quick foods.
Huge potential exists for the new owners to extend the hours, extend the offering to cover additional fast food items as well as coffee, snacks and breakfasts.
There is no similar competition close by.
Perfect for a couple or family .
Part of a strip shop area – easy for customers to park, run in and buy as much as they can carry.
This is a great opportunity with an excellent track record, attractive lease, great staff and systems.
Solid reputation for quality food, with regular clientele and an opportunity for a new owner to increase the profits by building on the already successful turnover and profit.
The owner is more than happy to stay on for a period to train the new owner.
Contact Dominic on 0755 640 660
Pics used are for indicative purposes only
- Business No. : 221191
- Business Categories : Cafe and Restaurant, Food Service
- Sav/Wiwo : WIWO