It is very unusual for such a fantastic locals only cafe to become available.
Will sell quickly.
Most locals are seen here every day.
They love this vibrant, friendly networking local meeting place.
Fully refurbished with attractive alfresco area.
Good lease with attractive rental will ensure the business continues to prosper.
Sales are growing weekly.
Don’t worry the current owner will give you all the training you need and will offer ongoing support until you are fully comfortable.
Can you operate a microwave oven – can you make a sandwich.
The food prep is easy – anyone can do it.
No need for a technical chef.
Systemised with proven methods of operation.
Simple menu.
Cakes, coffee, sandwiches, muffins etc.
Opens at 7am and closes at 2pm.
What a joke almost office hours.
Great business for a couple or family.
Very functional premises and preparation areas fitted out with the best quality plant and equipment
Beautiful as new setup, attractive alfresco seating, very trendy affluent area of the Gold Coast.
This popular icon is supported by loyal customers and presents the best café experience in the area.
Offering friendly breakfasts, relaxed lunches and intimate liaisons.
Mainly corporate clientele, business people and local home owners from the immediate area.
Opportunity exists to add a liquor license and open for a night trade.
Surrounded by exciting new developments that will see this area grow and grow, which means your market is getting bigger everyday
Good margins are currently being made with excellent results.
Supported by happy smiling friendly loyal industry trained staff, who just love coming to work daily.
Generous friendly landlord.
Seeing is believing – if you are looking for the best café – then this is it.
A small strip centre with fantastic facilities.
Everything is owned, nothing on lease.
Contact Howard on 0755 640 660
Pics used are for indicative purposes only
- Business No. : 214060
- Business Categories : Cafe and Restaurant, Convenience and Grocery, Food Service, Retail, Services
- Sav/Wiwo : WIWO