Tobacconist - $1million Profit - Exceptional




Turnover is Huge

60% of sales are online – Orders over the Internet

Profit Managed $900,000 or Owner Operated $1,300,000

Sale price includes $1.5 million in stock

A Very Popular Tobacconist that has been Trading Profitably for Over 26 Years

This is How Easy this Business is to Operate –

1. Stock is delivered direct to the Premises.
2. At your Leisure, Unpack Small Boxes and Place on Shelf.
3. The customer enters the shop and Places Cash in Your Hand.
4. You place Cash in the Register.
5. You now turn 180 degrees, remove a small lightweight packet from the shelf and place in the Hand of a Happy Customer.
6. Smile and Wave Customer Goodbye, knowing he will be back in a couple of Days with more Cash.
7. Sit Down and Take a Break.
8. At 4pm Daily Count all the Cash and Deposit in the Bank – Bank Manager Smiles and Pats you on the Back as you are his best customer.
9. Go out for dinner to the Best Restaurant in Town for a Wagyu Steak and French Champagne – as you will be cashed up.
10.Go to the Beach on Sunday.

No Matter what the Economy does, this business has increased every year – records are available for years.

This Fantastic Business is Definitely the Best Money Making Enterprise in the Whole area.

Nothing Comes Close to this.

This is an Extremely Profitable Investment & will only Increase as the Years Go On – Min 3% increase pa

A Fully Systematised Business that a Owner Operator Could Easily Manage and could Earn a Huge $1,300,000 for 5 days Light Work or Profits could approach $1,000,000 if a Manager Operated the Business.

The Owner – Due to Family Issues, has to divest this Investment and Try and Spend the Copious Dollars acquired over the years from this Amazing Bulk Money Making Enterprise.

Being Situated in a Very High Profile Location with Thousands of Customers in the Area Daily, this Business is Today one of the most profitable Tobacconists in Greater Queensland Retailing and Wholesaling Tobacco related Products

Rent is very Reasonable

The Projected Profit to owner is on track for $1,300,006 – this is with the owner working only 35hrs per week – business is increasing daily.

You could choose to have this Fully Managed and Focus on other Business Ventures, or just Enjoy the Profits!

It is very rare that an Opportunity like this presents itself For Sale.

This is an Exceptional, Once in a Lifetime Blue-chip Business Opportunity that we know will be Quickly Acquired by a Smart Entrepreneur.

Complete accountant’s financial reports available

If you wish to work the hours that suit you – then you must check this out.

It will not disappoint and is Definitely worth your closer inspection.

Phone Samantha on 0755 640 660

Certain Pics are Used for Illustration Purposes Only


  • Business No. : SMOKE 1
  • Business Categories : Boating and Marine, Cafe and Restaurant, Convenience and Grocery, Food Service, Manufacturing, Media and Online, Retail, Services, Trade, Transport and Distribution
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