Water Filter Rentals & Sales – Commercial & Domestic Clients
Gold Coast – work from home business.
Start work when you feel like it, stop for a coffee when you want, have a surf in the middle of the day – just before siesta!
The business operates a water chiller rental service.
They rent water chiller units to various clients throughout their territory.
Currently have approximately 230 units rented throughout the Toowoomba-Warwick-Roma region, predominantly to long-term corporate clients.
Servicing, maintenance, repairs & installation of high quality drinking water filtering appliances.
Just collect the money – no bulky water to supply.
Great service business – commercial & domestic clients – offices, factories, workshops.
Very reputable company with a long history.
Established for many years and now wide open for further expansion.
Definitely worth your closer inspection.
Complete transparent records are available.
Very accurate financials completely scrutinised and presented by the accountant annually.
Almost a dream easy income which could increase with the addition of further sites and machines.
Great opportunity for a person with some marketing or public relations skills to site more machines.
If you are handy, this is great as you can also do some installs for clients of under bench units, and this will increase the profit.
Full training and a smooth changeover by the owner is assured.
For more information contact Dominic on 0755 640 660
Pics used are for indicative purposes only
- Business No. : 226002
- Sav/Wiwo : WIWO